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domingo, 30 de outubro de 2011

FS2004 - F-136 Orbital Defense Interceptor

It is the year 2014 and the United States of America has publicly introduced their newest 
edition to their aerial defense team in the Air Forces folds of fighter and interceptor 
aircraft.  This is the newest, top of the line orbital capable defense interceptor code named 
'Sling Shot', after the weapon of the Shepard boy that downed the mighty Goliath.

This new aircraft would feature fan jet/rocket hybrid engines, a new environment friendly 
fuel source, Hyper Mach capabilities for 'Sling Shot' deployment into Earth orbit, defensive 
payload capabilities, passenger cockpit options, space platform docking capabilities with 
most universal docks, and multi orbit capabilities with economy orbital insertions.  Its 
defense packages would include the air to air ICBM Missile Laser.  Its payloads can be 
switched to cargo and supply for the various space platform stations as well..

This vehicle also sports a the latest technology 'Smart Mirror Viewpoint Invisibility' 
technologies where one sees 'on' the skin of the hull a mirrored image of whats behind the 
vehicle, thus in some instances rendering this aircraft virtually invisible.

This will be one of the only aircraft in which, if you do a run up and high idle the engines 
before getting on the runway, you will wind up in another state!

Via MediaFire

Link Atualizado 07/2016

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